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Structural Steel Inspections

In accordance with AISC requirements, CMT provides inspection of bolted connections, welds, studs, and structural steel erection. We also provide testing of bolt torque and welds. These services are performed by a senior level technician working under the direction of a registered professional engineer.

CMT has AWS (American Welding Society) Certification and provides Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) methods for weld inspections.  This includes utilizing magnetic particle, liquid dye penetrant and ultrasonic techniques as well as visual inspections by our CWIs (Certified Welding Inspectors.)

CMT's Level 1 and 2 Certified Welding Inspector (CWI) provides AWS certification to welders seeking to become an AWS Certified Welder (CW).  The welder's ability to properly adhere to the Welding Procedure Specification, selected from available QC7 Supplements, includes fit-up, assembly, and positioning.  During the scheduled appointment at an AWS Accredited Test Facility, the welder will deposit a sound weld that will be inspected by CMT's AWS Certified Welding Inspector (CWI).
CMT Laboratories, Inc.
State College office: (814) 231-8845